Minot State University
Biol 480/ Molecular Biology Course Page
Spring 2019
Check out these awesome resourses:
Science Daily (news site)
IFL science :)
Powerpoint lectures:
Lecture 3 Decoding Watson---Documentary
Lecture 6 Youtube video on DNA Topology
Lecture 9 Epigenetics chapter notes
Lecture 10--updated
Lecture 13 Histones/replication paper
Lecture 34-1 Insulin translation regulation (Read introduction and study figure 8)
alpha and beta globin translation regulation (read first 2.5 pages)
Topics Lists for Exams
Lab 1Bacterial Transformation/DNA IS the genetic material Transformation animation here. Transformation analysis handout: here
Lab 2--- pGLO plasmid purification. (Be sure to bring your analysis handout from Lab 1 and have hade detailed observations of your 6 plates. We will start with discussion.
Lab 3---Basic analyis of pGLO plasmid. Good video on restriction enzymes: HERE (scroll in about 3:50 minutes).
Lab 4--electrophoresis of pGLO plasmid restriction fragments---making a restriction map. Agarose gel prep. Here
Electrophresis animation http://www.youtube.com/watch?src_vid=0x2Lh5Rq8e0&annotation_id=annotation_299771&feature=iv&v=v0sJRZATXEA
Gel pictures pGLO-gel 1 pGLO gel-2
Lab 5--Bioinformatics using pGLO sequence. PDFpGLO sequence file. Word pGLO sequence file. If you want to bring your own computer, please do. I will have department laptops for your use.
Lab 6--Conventional/endpoint PCR--amplifying GFP sequence using your primers
Lab 6- Part 2/Analyzing endpoint PCR
Lab 7--qPCR (real time PCR).
Lab 8--Purifying GFP protein
Lab 9 --SDS-PAGE. GFP separation using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. AMENDED PROTOCOL
Previous year MATERIAL BELOW THIS LINE--not current for 2019
Lab 8---Real-time/quantitative PCR
Lab 8--Part 2 (print, read, and bring to lab)
View these docuemnts before lab. Powerpoint with Ct curves qPCR data Standard curves
Lab 8--real time PCR (qPCR) analysis
More terrific animations here!
Lab 9 real-time PCR
Lab 9--analysis (additional graphs will be given in lab)
Good website for GFP info:http://www.conncoll.edu/ccacad/zimmer/GFP-ww/GFP-1.htm
Lecture handouts week of 2-22-10 molecular documents week 3-22-10
Molecules of the cell--Reading
GFP readings
lactoferrin gfp pGLO lactoferrin
Lab 4lab 4 plasmidanalysis-week 2.doc
protein gel picture
-Native gel picture from previous year's class. Lane 1 is protein marker, the rest of the lanes are lysates from E. coli transformants. Our gel did not run far enough to see many bands or to resolve the molecular weight marker.
Lab 6molecular lab 6 2010 part 1
Lab 6 part 2molecular lab 6 2010 part 2
Lab 7lab7 real time PCR
Animation Essential Biochemistry - DNA Replication
Semi-conservative replication animation
DnaTube.com link here--check out protein folding!
DnaTube.com Scientific Video Site
Telomerase demos
Attachment | Size |
molec. topics list 4-2014.docx | 88.54 KB |
Lab8GFPpurification.doc | 48.5 KB |
Lecture 30.pptx | 5.12 MB |